Saturday, July 20, 2013

Food for Thought: Saturday

Pray for the hearts of our congregation as we embark on this journey through Nehemiah.  What barriers might we need to break through to see the unity that would come to the people of Jerusalem?  What level of energy might we need to sustain a vision for any rebuilding, renewal, and revival we may experience?  As you come to worship tomorrow, try to set aside the trials of the week and open your heart for the “tugs” of the Holy Spirit. -- Andy B

Friday, July 19, 2013

Food for Thought: Friday

Have you ever felt “on fire” for a certain cause?  What was that cause, and why was it so impactful for you?  Reflect on the level of passion you felt, as well as the work that the Holy Spirit did through that passion. -- Andy B

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Food for Thought: Thursday

Pray for those who do the work of rebuilding communities after disasters.  The past year has seen Hurricane Sandy devastate the northeast, tornadoes have devastated Oklahoma and neighboring states, wildfires rage on as we speak...and this is just in the United States!  It’s humbling to think that what humans work so hard to build can be unbuilt in a matter of seconds...but that God’s eternal plan promises restoration and renewal. -- Andy B

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Food for Thought: Wednesday

The book of Nehemiah is a memoir of a true story (I’ll spare you the archaeological details).  Jerusalem has been utterly destroyed and is in need of serious rebuilding, renewal, and revival.  But consider Jerusalem as a metaphor of your own life.  Have you ever felt “burned down” and in need of rebuilding, renewal, and revival?  How did you respond?  Did you come closer to God or feel further away?  How did God “rebuild” your life around you?  Give thanks for this blessing! -- Andy B

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Food for Thought: Tuesday

Read Nehemiah 1 once completely through.  How does this story begin?  How does Nehemiah react to the news?  Pay close attention to his conversations with God -- what does Nehemiah say to God?  How do you think God will answer?  Read Nehemiah 1 again, but this time pause between each verse and think about each word or phrase.  Does it become more “alive” for you? -- Andy B

Monday, July 15, 2013

Prayer Prompt: Monday

Think about your hometown or the place you spent most of your childhood.  What endeared this place to you?  What did you enjoy doing?  Was there a place or “hangout” that was special to you?  How would you feel if this was gone or had changed substantially?  Pray for the people of your hometown, its leaders, and the presence of the Spirit among the people.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week 2 Sermon: A World in Need of Reformation

Click here for a link to the text of today's sermon by Laura Gifford.  We welcome your thoughts and reflections, this Sunday and throughout the Nehemiah series!