Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday Prayer Prompt

Pray for the hearts of our congregation as we continue to learn from Nehemiah.  Nehemiah’s example is fun to read, but we are all called to engage and act on the wisdom we gain from his story.  Chapter 8 tells the story of how the people were humbled by the reading of the Law.  Chapter 9 reaffirms how much God loves his people -- this message of grace is central to our own walk.  Add a comment about how God is working in your life through this journey through Nehemiah.  Pray that others’ hearts and minds are open to this message...and the call to action that it tells.  May you find peace!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Reflection

Often, we find ourselves needing to refocus and recommit to the truth we know we are called to live.  Can you think of a time when you’ve had to stop and refocus on some part of your journey?  What brought that about, and why?  Were you able to stay committed to this truth, or are you again at a point of needing to refocus?  Pray that God would give you the patience, grace, and wisdom to follow through.  Pray that he would give you the courage to act boldly if you are called to change.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday: Time to Share!

Paul, in Colossians, commands: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and exhorting one another with all wisdom” (v. 16, emphasis added).  Share with someone a verse or passage that has been implanted in your heart -- teach them your wisdom!  Reflect on this process (was it comfortable or uncomfortable?), and the discussion that ensued (how did the other person react?).

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday: Scripture Reflection

Read Nehemiah 8:1-10.  What role did the Levites play (v. 8), and why was this so important to the people’s experience of hearing the law?  In Luke 2, we read that Jesus, at age 12, was “sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking questions.”  Pray that God’s word would dwell in you as you read, study, and pray with him.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday Food for Thought

When we talk about “worship” in our congregation, we tend to focus on music.  In the song, “Heart of Worship,” Matt Redman wrote about how we tend to minimize worship by focusing only on song.  What would “worship” look like without music?  How would you react to a worship service that focused on prayer and reading God’s word?  What other aspects of worship are important?  Pray for our congregation as we work through issues of “traditional vs. contemporary” worship -- knowing that worship is about far more than just music.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Favorite Scripture?

This week we will highlight the part of our vision statement that focuses on being “grounded in God’s word.”  What is your favorite passage of scripture, and why?  Share in a comment below and be entered to win a free drink from Chapters Books in Newberg!