Saturday, August 3, 2013

Prayer Prompt: Saturday

As the weekend arrives, take some time to give thanks for the ways in which our experiences of community add fun, support, and enrichment to our lives.  

Friday, August 2, 2013

Prayer Prompt: Friday

Pray for those who encounter frustration in their work as part of teams.  Pray for God’s guidance, for discernment, and for removal of barriers to effective teamwork.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Time for Some Historical Context

Pray for those who have trouble identifying their gifts, that they (that we, for this describes each of us at various points!) might understand the unique gifts God has created in them (in us).
Time for some historical context!
There were good reasons why a restored city wall was so important to the recovery of Jerusalem.  Administrative changes in the government of Persia, which had overtaken Babylon during the Exile, meant that Artaxerxes was willing to give Nehemiah some measure of independence in rebuilding Jerusalem.  The same administrative changes that helped our man Nehemiah, however, also afforded greater freedoms to the other provinces of western Persia.  As a result, Jerusalem faced real threats from a whole host of neighboring rulers.  We’ll hear more about Sanballat, governor of Samaria; Tobiah, governor of Ammon; and Geshem, leader of the Arab Kedarite confederacy in coming weeks.  For now, suffice to say a wall was Necessary with a capital N.
What’s most interesting, for our purposes, is the manner in which this wall was rebuilt.  Nehemiah didn’t hire a crew of builders and set them to work.  He enlisted all of Jerusalem’s residents!  Each family was responsible for pulling its weight.  The sons of Hassenaah… the inhabitants of Zanoah… the daughters of Shallum, son of Hallohesh… the specific names, you’ll be relieved to know, are far less important than the reality that Jerusalem in all its diversity was called to work.  And they did.  And the wall was constructed—in 52 days—using fifth century B.C. technology. 
Impressive.  More to come on Sunday!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Prayer Prompt and Next Week's Scripture: Wednesday

What gifts might you bring to a team?  Take some time to contemplate this question, and give thanks to God for the diversity of creation.

It’s time to look ahead to next week’s Scripture readings!  We encourage you to begin reflecting upon the following readings.  We’ll focus upon these next Sunday.
Scripture readings for Sunday, August 4, 2013:
  • Nehemiah 3 (we'll trim it for the service!)
  • Romans 12:1-8
  • Luke 10:1-11

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Prayer Prompt: Tuesday

Pray for those who are working as part of ministry teams around the world—as missionaries, relief workers, educators or in other forms of service.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Prayer Prompt: Monday

Has there been a time when you have felt part of something bigger than yourself—part of a team that really functioned well?  This week we’ll spend time thinking about working in community.  Today, please pray for the ministry teams of Joyful Servant and of all the churches in our community.