Saturday, August 31, 2013

Prayer Prompt: Saturday

As the weekend arrives, take time to give thanks for the weekly rhythm of work and rest—the Sabbath rhythm.  How do you “remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy”?  God gave us work...and also calls us to rest...and remember whose we are!  Will you make time to rest and remember? -- P/T

Friday, August 30, 2013

Prayer Prompt: Friday

When Jesus washed the disciples feet on the day before he was crucified, he was doing a lowly slave’s work.  He therefore makes any and all work sacred and worthy.  Pray for those who do work that seems menial and un- or poorly rewarded.  How do you think Jesus views their work?  How do you view it? -- P/T

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Prayer Prompt: Thursday

Pray for those who are unemployed, looking for work.  Pray for those who see their work only as drudgery.  Pray for those who have lost sight of their purpose and vocation (calling).  What is your “work”? -- P/T

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday Scripture Focus

It’s time to look ahead to next week’s Scripture readings.  We encourage you to begin reflecting upon the following readings.  We’ll take a slight break from Nehemiah this Sunday as we worship together with our brothers and sisters from St. Michael/San Miguel.  We look at “work” on this Labor Day weekend.
Scripture readings for Sunday, September 1, 2013:
  • Genesis 2:4b-7, 15.  In God's creation, work by humans was part of the good creation before the Fall.
  • Acts 20:32-35.  Paul lifts up his work as an example of working to serve the neighbor in need.
  • Luke 9:23-25.  The cross was Jesus' purpose/vocation...his work.  He came to the earth to get his hands do the 'work' the Father gave him.  He made sacrifices.  He put up with less than comfortable 'working conditions.'  Our work, most likely, will not involve a literal cross, but can we see our everyday work in making the world a better place, in taking care of one another, in serving the need of the neighbor, as our cross?  Jesus spoke of taking up our cross "daily."  Could that mean the daily work we are called to do when we serve one another?  Talk to Jesus about your cross... -- P/T

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Prayer Prompt: Tuesday

Go back to Colossians 3:12-17.  Read it in your favorite Bible version.  Go ahead... do it now.  What words of Jesus dwell richly in you?  What words do you remember?  The Lord’s Prayer?  John 3:16?  A parable?  “Father forgive them...?  Do Jesus’ words challenge you...comfort you...inspire you?  Think and pray on some words from Jesus today. -- P/T

Monday, August 26, 2013

Prayer Prompt: Monday

How do you go about “hearing God’s Word” each day?  Reading in your Bible is the most obvious, but have you considered other ways that God “speaks” to you...through a family member, a friend, or even a stranger?  Does God speak to you through your dreams? (Joseph) Can God speak to you through an animal? (Balaam, Numbers 22)  Does God use an event to get your attention?  Pray for your “ears” in order to “hear God’s voice” as God gets creative and “speaks” to you everywhere...through anything. -- P/T

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Join us at our last 9:30 service to worship together and continue Nehemiah’s story.