Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday, February 15 – Human 2.0 – What feeds you?

To prepare for worship tomorrow, read ahead through the sixth chapter of the gospel of John.  Jesus reveals more truth about who he is and speaks words difficult for some to hear.
What feeds you?  What gives you energy...hope...grace?
Read the whole chapter and answer the following questions:
1)  What word, phrase or image lingers in my thoughts?
2)  Where/How does this chapter connect with my life?
3)  What does God want me to do or be in response to his Word?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, February 14 – Still working...on love...

“But Jesus answered them, ‘My Father is still working, and I also am working.’”   —John 5:17 (NRSV)
Jesus has a disconcerting habit of challenging ‘religious’ certainty.  He sends this beggar packing, toting his mat on the Sabbath.  He performs the work of healing, on the Sabbath.  Any good Jew knows that is simply not allowed!  They’ve studied the Scriptures.  They ‘know’ what God has taught them.
What does this Nazarene upstart have to tell his accusers?  “My Father is still working, and I am also working” (v. 17).  They’ve gotten it wrong.  Despite their best intentions, they need to reassess their understanding of God’s Word.
These weren’t stupid people, these accusers of Jesus.  They carefully read, and listened, and studied, because they wanted to follow God.  They were sincere.  They were just like us. 
What notions of ‘truth’ might you need to reassess?  This world is not a static place.  Our Father is still working.  As my grandmother likes to remind us, a wise person changes his or her mind.  A fool never does. 
God’s Word is eternal.  God’s love is eternal.  God’s mercy is eternal.  Our human perceptions… aren’t. 

Lord, open my eyes and my heart to the work you continue to perform in this world.  Disentangle me from my preconceived notions.  Thank you for being bigger than I can ever understand.  Amen. 
by Laura Gifford

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, February 13 – The limits of faith

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up!  Pick up your mat and walk.”  At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. –John 5:8-9 (NIV)
Wow!  The power of our Lord.  It is so interesting to note:
1.  The man had no clue as to who Jesus was.
2.  He didn’t see help in Him, but only in the water pool.
3.  There was no expressed hope or faith involved.
4.  YET he was healed -- instantly!
There is such an amazing and simple answer to this puzzle:  
He is bigger than anything or anyone in this world. 
Remember this and pray: 
Jesus, I ask you to not be limited by my faith, but to continue to heal me and mold me in your image.
by Lou Hanson

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, February 12 – Healing...with change

When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” –John 5:6 (NIV)

Why does Jesus ask such a seemingly “DUH” question?  The man was just lying there.  Is he content to let that continue?  Jesus really seems to be asking, “Are you willing to be healed?”
When we are faced with our own “disabilities” how do we respond?  Do we ignore them and keep on sinning?  Do we keep on doing the same things we’ve always been doing...but expecting different results ...this time?
Do we ask for healing?  When we pray for healing are we willing to change?
In our confession of sins to our Lord are we willing to see a need, examine the issue, pray for His healing, and then ask for a change in our heart to rid us of this sin?
Oh, Lord, renew a right Spirit within me.     by Lou Hanson

Tuesday, February 11 – Family Faith (PT)

Then the father remembered that it was at that very hour when Jesus had told him, "Your son will live." So he and all his family believed.  –John 4:53 (TEV)
I think the beauty of this story is not that the son was healed, although that’s very important (especially if you’re the son!), but what happened with the family relationships.
“So he (the father) and all his family believed.”
The whole family was affected.  The whole family believed.
Believed what?
In the gospel of John belief is not so much a head thing as it is a relationship thing.  Believing in Jesus is believing with your whole self; it’s believing in his word, his grace, his means stepping into the light and letting your whole life be exposed...and changed.
This royal official’s family was changed by Jesus...forever.
Lord Jesus, heal me...and my family.  Change us by your grace and truth and light.  Draw us & me & the whole family.