“He asked them, ‘Do you think that because these Galileans
suffered in this way they were worse sinners than all other Galileans?’”—Luke
our best intentions toward charity, it remains easy to presume that ill fortune
befalls others as a result of their personal failings. The closer to home the example, the
harder I find it to resist this tendency.
Sure, those people in Ethiopia, or Cambodia, or Belarus are so
desperately poor due to structural forces far beyond their control, but what
about those who find life so hard here in the midst of such plenty?
words remind us that bad things happen to people no less (and quite possibly
more) virtuous than ourselves.
Insert “Oregonian” or “Yamhill County resident” or “Newberger (?)” for
“Galilean” and you’ll have the idea.
We all are in need of redemption.
We all are called to repent.
Thank the source of all Goodness that we have Jesus’ promise to call
upon—regardless of our personal circumstances. -- LG
Lord, I need your help. Rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or
sad I remain a person in need of your redeeming grace. Today, yet again, I seek your
forgiveness—and proclaim my thanksgiving for the sure knowledge you will grant
it. Amen.
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