Thursday, March 28, 2013

Maundy Thursday

The Exodus and the Passover Seder loom large in the imagination and experience of this day.  They are “defining moments” in the history of God’s people.

Jesus’ last meal is the Passover with his disciples.  It is a meal rich with imagery that corresponds to Jesus work in ‘saving’ or salvaging, not only humanity, but all of Creation (see Romans 8:18-25; Colossians 1:15-20).

The central image is the lamb.

In the Exodus, a lamb is sacrificed and the blood is put upon the doorposts and the lintel of each Hebrew house.  (I remember watching The Ten Commandments and noticing that Joshua puts the lamb’s blood on the door in the shape of a cross).

The blood of the lamb saves the people from the Angel of Death. 

So there’s no escaping the meaning when John the Baptist gives Jesus the title of “Lamb of God.”

Do you have special meals?

What do they remember, commemorate, or symbolize?

What is one of your favorite or most special experiences of Holy Communion? --P/T

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