“Glory in the
Read Luke 19:38.
“Glory to God in the highest and peace to God’s people on
earth.” One of my very favorite things about the Lutheran liturgy is the
regularity of responsive singing. I love the moments when we hear the pastor
singing praises and thanksgiving, using the same familiar words we hear week
after week, and then get to feel the swell of voices around me as the full
congregation responds.
moments, beautiful as they are, pale in comparison to what I imagine the crowds
experienced as Jesus approached them. They spontaneously began to praise God in
loud voices for all the miracles they had seen. What power that corporate
praise experience must have been, as the disciples joined together for one
common reason: to praise God for Jesus and what he had done. And as amazing as
that scene must have been, it cannot begin to touch what heaven will be like,
as all believers from across time and space join together to praise God,
together with the angels.
though I know we are human and flawed and self-centered and all that…doesn’t it
seem like the worship we experience now together could start to approach this
feeling? The Christian journey is so much more than just a feeling, but I know
I sometimes lose track of the feelings…the joy…the thankfulness…the companionship
I feel when with other believers. This is a reminder I will carry with me into
Holy Week. -AB
Blessed are you,
Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest. Increase our joy in the coming
days, even as we think about your death and resurrection.
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