Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Food for Thought: Wednesday

The book of Nehemiah is a memoir of a true story (I’ll spare you the archaeological details).  Jerusalem has been utterly destroyed and is in need of serious rebuilding, renewal, and revival.  But consider Jerusalem as a metaphor of your own life.  Have you ever felt “burned down” and in need of rebuilding, renewal, and revival?  How did you respond?  Did you come closer to God or feel further away?  How did God “rebuild” your life around you?  Give thanks for this blessing! -- Andy B


  1. Yes.

    Sometimes it helps to have others validate the gifts that feel like they've been found lacking. I try to trust the voices of others when they tell me what they see in me -- one of the ways God speaks, after all, is through the words of other people. Sometimes I have a hard time seeing in myself what others see in me.

    (That said, of course it's important not to rely on others for our own sense of self-worth. When our worth comes from others it'll always be external -- the key is in internalizing the messages others share and combining them with our own God-led insights about ourselves.)

    Easier said than done? Yeah... but worthwhile.

  2. 2 Corinthians 12:9 has been a mantra for me when I've needed rebuilding. "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." It reminds me not to try to do everything myself, which is my tendency.

    One of the things I like most about Nehemiah is how readily he pairs prayer with hard work and strategic thinking. When I'm facing burnout or work that needs to be done, I tend more toward the latter and don't spend nearly enough time in prayer. I'm grateful for this reminder, both in Nehemiah and in 2 Corinthians.
